Wondering how to ditch your corporate job AND create a freelancing business that’s financially sustainable?

Transform your skills, boost your income, and break free from corporate constraints.

If you're an ambitious woman craving the freedom and flexibility of online contracting, this is your opportunity to change your future.

There’s a reason it’s called FREElancing. Set your life free!

Kiri Moran, creator of the Corporate2Contract Course

Listen, if you’ve made it here, you already know there are so many things to consider when building your freelance business. The contracts, the onboarding, the *gulp* marketing…

But if you have a corporate background, you already have all the skills you need to achieve the work/life balance and financial freedom of your dreams.

In my Corporate2Contract Core, I’ll show you exactly how to transform those corporate skills into freelance success.

  • Before this program I felt like I was an imposter just trying to fake it till I made it. I knew that something was missing from my approach but I did not realize HOW MUCH was missing. I left this program feeling like I have all of the tools to propel my business to the next level. I have a solid website, a solid pitch, a pricing structure that I feel good about and copy that is effective. I feel ready to reach out to potential clients. I now have a full process from initial outreach through onboarding of new clients and beyond.

    Mackensie Hashian

  • The #1 lesson I will take into my business moving forward is to stop second guessing my skills. I have the experience, I just have to market myself. Also, to not undersell myself, [as] I had a fear [of] losing out on clients if my pricing was too competitive, but from this course I learned that clients are always willing to pay for quality work. The Corporate2Contract program is unique because it is an intimate setting where you can connect with like-minded people and get valuable information and tangible examples.

    Abena Anokye

  • I went into this program thinking I wouldn’t learn anything new, but I did! For most entrepreneurs, pricing can be challenging. Loved the ideas on how to structure pricing in a very easy format. Imagine 7 different ways to capture a clients attention when it comes to pricing for a one-off or a long term relationship...Narrowing down my niche will help me fine tune my offerings and what I would prefer to promote vs what I can do just to get money!

    Lizette Leon

  • For me, by far the most overwhelming part of thinking of starting my own business was managing the money. It felt like this ominous collection of "how"s and "why"s I couldn't predict much less prepare for were hanging over my head. The Money Mapper eased all that anxiety! I walked away with a clear, easy to use tool that demystified that process - and I even had fun working with it!

    Michael Miller

It’s overwhelming out there!

Many ambitious women like you have encountered similar frustrations when transitioning to the freelance world: not knowing where to begin, struggling to find clients, and grappling with the complexities of marketing and sales (and even taxes!). 

But the truth is, your corporate background is your competitive advantage, and I’m here to help you make the most of it.

You know all those skills you picked up in the corporate world? I’m talking about leading cross-functional teams, managing deadlines and cash flows, (insert any and all of your unique skills here). 

Those skills—that you already have—are your secret weapon for freelance success. This is what puts you on the path to becoming a highly paid freelancer.

Core is organized around five easy-to-digest modules that guide you through the entire process, from registering your business legally to using your corporate background as a guide to pricing your fees so that you get paid your worth.

Ultimately the Corporate2Contract Core course will help you build a business that finally aligns with your aspirations. 

This is for you if…

  • You have a solid skill set you can build on (or you’re really dedicated to developing one).

  • The world “entrepreneur” scares you, but you’re not about to let that stop you.

  • You’ve been called “ambitious” or “a go-getter,” but you know that simply means that you’re intrinsically motivated to live life on your own terms.

  • You need a well-paying career AND freedom in your schedule.

  • You know you have better things to do with your time than spend hours googling “how to become a freelancer.”

  • You know you deserve to control your life, time, and finances.

  • You don’t want to report every minute that you step away from your computer to an employer.

  • You want the fastest, easiest, and most efficient way to learn how to build and scale your business as an online contractor.

What’s included?

  • Each module is thoughtfully laid out with 4-5 short lessons that take you through the lifecycle of how to become a premium service provider by using your corporate skills and experience. The lessons include registering a business, managing finances and pricing yourself, branding your freelance business, how to find and get clients, as well as the importance of contracts, onboarding and offboarding clients.

  • Looking to connect with others in the same situation? Our Facebook community will help you get real-time advice and meet other freelancers who are starting out…or have been there and can offer their wisdom and experience. You’ll be with others who have worked through the Corporate2Contract Core and I jump into the group at least once a week to answer any questions.

  • This is your moment to meet with Kiri live every month! Come with your specific questions and she will give you guidance on how to proceed in a mini-coaching session. The best part? The times change every month so you’re sure to be able to join some. If not, submit your questions in advance for Kiri to go over and watch the replay!

  • Corporate2Contract Core goes way beyond watching videos. Most modules have an assignment so that you can get actionable steps to move your freelance business forward. The templates are gold and will support you as you continue to scale your freelance business.

Kiri’s Story

How fear almost kept me from my freelance career:

My first foray into my freelance virtual assistant career was a false-start—which might feel familiar.

In 2012, I was bored with my corporate office job and longed for more flexibility. The idea of running my own business appealed to me—like, a lot—but the idea of building that business and marketing myself was just too overwhelming. 

In short, fear held me back.

Instead of going for it, I settled for another executive assistant job. But only six months later I was in the same spot—bored and trapped by corporate culture.

It was time. So in 2014 I took the leap and never looked back. Building my business was terrifying, to say the least, but it was also fun, and I LOVED being able to choose my own clients and work on diverse projects.

Within nine months I was making enough to replace my full-time income. I grew my business to make a consistent six-figures, work 20-25 hours a week, and still have time to take walks, do crafts with my kids, and read a book in the middle of the day.

Nine months may sound fast, but the truth is, it doesn’t need to take you nearly as long.

To say it plainly, Corporate2Contract Core was designed to be a game-changer for your online contractor journey. It's not just another course — it's a proven roadmap to your dream lifestyle.

After Corporate2Contract, you'll be able to:

  • Build a solid foundation for freelance success. 

    • With our expert guidance on registering your business, pricing strategies, financial planning, and essential legal aspects, you’ll be ready to roll.

  • Attract high-paying clients

    • Learn how to elevate your visibility, position yourself as a valuable expert, and secure lucrative projects with the help of your corporate background.

  • Achieve work-life balance

    • Learn how to ditch the commute, take control of your workload, and create a sustainable freelance business without sacrificing quality personal time.

Pricing that fits your journey

We understand that every freelancer’s journey is unique. That’s why we offer two options. Choose the option that aligns with your goals and budget, and take the leap towards freelance success.

Corporate2Contract Core: $497

Designed for self-paced learners who prefer to work at their own speed. With a one year access to the comprehensive course modules, you'll have the flexibility to dive into the content whenever it suits you best. Take control of your learning journey and transform your career on your terms.

FAQs for the curious

  • The short answer? A wealth of knowledge to help you launch your freelance career quickly and successfully! The long answer? Five meticulous modules that cover everything from registering your business, pricing yourself smartly, branding, handling small business finances, marketing (the usual ways and unique ways), landing sales, and writing contracts and proposals. The modules also include downloads like service provider contracts, a plug-n-play pricing worksheet, proposal templates for freelancer sites, and a lot more!

  • There's an entire lesson devoted to pricing, figuring out the right strategy for your services (hourly vs package vs project, etc) and a plug-n-play worksheet that will break everything down, so you can experiment with expenses, income, taxes and more. At the end of that module, you’ll know exactly how much you need to charge to get what you deserve.

  • In C2C Core, we show you how to leverage your corporate career and skills to become a premium online service provider. The key word there is “premium” - which means you won’t be charging pennies for your services. You’ll be charging TOP DOLLAR. In this course, your corporate background is used as the foundation in your marketing, mindset and sales process that will help you get the best money for your skill set. This course is different because it focuses on those ho have corporate experience and Core shows you how to embrace it as an advantage in your freelance career.

  • Within each module of the course, not only will you get access to numerous worksheets to help you revitalize your business, you will receive templates for contracts, proposals, cold DMs, proposals, unique value propositions, and more! Core helps you break down your services, figure out what will get you the most money, and make sure you're well on your way to achieving all your freelance dreams.

    The Collective is a place to be surrounded by those in a similar position as you - wanting to build a freelance empire that will match their corporate salary and work 25 hours or less. Often they’ve been sold the dream of freelancing, only to be working as many hours (or more!) as their corporate job. Every week there are modules to watch from the course, assignments to do, and then we come together as a group to completely (and collectively) revitalize your business so you can make more and work less.

  • Oh my goodness, yes! We have had website designers, event planners, VAs and even a teacher-turned-consultant take Corporate2Contract Core. All have created or taken their freelance career to another level. Core aims to help the freelancer at any point in their journey - whether they are just beginning or need to turn their freelance business from struggling to thriving.

Real talk

You’re busy, I understand that, but in order to build a clientele and quit your day job, this will take some work on your part. Even if you’ve already quit but are overworking in your freelance business, it’s going to take a mindset shift and effort.

Again and again I’ve seen that those that succeed in Corporate2Contract (and beyond) are those that show up, do the worksheets, change their mindset and complete the course—however long it takes them.

That said, most students finish this in 90 days or less.

Corporate2Contract teaches you how to find clients, network appropriately, and the tactics you need to win them over. The Facebook community is a place to get client leads and learn from others.

PLUS your name ends up in our graduate class, which I gladly hand over to clients when they are looking for a freelancer to support their business.

You might be thinking…

  • We get it! Time is a valuable resource and we have no intention of wasting yours. The self-paced nature of Corporate2Contract Core is designed to be flexible so you can work at a pace that makes sense for you. Plus, think of all the bonus time you’ll have once your freelance career is up and running! The sooner that happens, the better.

  • Fear of failure is real. As humans, we experience it every time we have a strong desire to make something work. So I ask you to remember that failure is often a stepping stone to success, as cheesy as that might sound, and Corporate2Contract Core has all the knowledge, strategies, and tools you need to minimize the risk. Plus, if you join our Collective cohort, you’ll have roundtables where I give personalized guidance and we workshop through your business, access to me (Kiri) with hands-on advice, and a whole cohort of accountability buddies to keep you on track. In short, you got this and we’ve got your back.

  • The truth is that the demand for freelance professionals is growing, especially after the pandemic of COVID-19, and doesn’t show signs of stopping anytime soon. In the C2C Core, you’ll get the insights, techniques, and strategies to position yourself effectively in the market. There are a lot of freelancers out there, yes, but most don’t know the approach we teach in Corporate2Contract Core. It’s THE course to teach you how to set higher fees and win the clients that will pay you those high fees.

  • Ultimately, this one’s up to you. If buying the course would put you in financial peril of any kind, please don’t do it! But peril is very different from discomfort, and an investment now could lead to much more control of your financial future. I am confident in the quality of this course and previous students have backed it up. If you put in the work, you’ll see results.

  • First of all, you absolutely do. If you’re coming from the corporate world that means you’ve managed projects, analyzed data and/or dealt with a difficult colleague or two. Everything you’ve done so far will help you transition to freelance, and we’ll show you exactly how in Corporate2Contract Core and Collective programs.

Yes, a lucrative online contractor job is possible.

Yes, you can make the salary you want (and deserve).

Yes, you can have a schedule that works for your life.

Yes, clients will be signing up with you.

Are you ready to take control of your future, break free from the confines of the corporate world, and embark on a fulfilling freelance career?

Everything you need to create your own schedule, earn a lucrative income, and find the work-life balance you crave is a click away.